I totally realized I never made a post to introduce myself.. Haha.. I suck.
Hey y'all!
(I am horrible at this kind of thing so bare with me.)
My name is Mackenzie, most of the time I go by Kenz or Kenzie. I am twenty-one and Ia mommy of two. I have a three year old boy and a two year old chocolate lab. (Fun Fact #1: they're both boys #boymom) Next month, I am marrying my best friend and in November I will be starting cosmetology school. I am so very excited for both. This year has been extra busy. I grew up in a small town in Virginia and have a love-hate relationship with it. Growing up, I was more of a tomboy. Now, I believe I am a "girly country girl". I am a lover of animals (COWS), all things leopard print, sparkly, and coffee! (Fun Fact #2: Fall is also my FAVE)
Now enough of that.. haha,
I started my blog because it has been something I have always wanted to do and something I have been passionate about. My goal is to share about lifestyle the most!
I would love for some feedback from you all! Also, if you have any ideas or just simply want to chat I'd love to talk! Feel free to email me, drop your email or simply comment on the post!! Thanks for your support.